I retired from being a full-time teacher 4 years ago, and I don’t even understand how I managed. It was, for me, a six day a week job (probably because of my ADHD). Now I have every day “off,” but I have almost no extra time. And I have a partner who takes care of tedious tasks like bill paying. I also have help at home for housework. My life should be leisurely, right? No, my day is taken up with medical appointments, exercise (to prevent utter physical degeneration), cooking, and grocery shopping. I manage to fit in one hobby (music). When my book club meets once a month, I inevitably have to cram the last half of the book into a few days to be ready. I don’t know what I would do if I actually had to make a living again!
And when I see people 10 or 20 years older than me working at my local grocery store, I wonder how they manage and my heart goes out to them.
Yes, even for a relatively privileged person, modern life is far too hectic. How did we get here?