I really appreciate what you are arguing for here, and I agree with most of it.
But, as a teacher of adolescents for almost 30 years, I am skeptical of the idea of teaching teenage boys these skills in a high school setting. Of course they should learn them, and parents really ought to step up more. But one thing I learned as an educator is that teaching does not equal learning, especially in an academic setting. The learner has to be engaged. Adolescent males often do not like to learn from females. They are often searching for male guidance.
I hate to say it, but maybe Jordan Peterson is on to something when it comes to young men. Much of his teaching is repugnant to liberal people and feminists.
But these boys are lost. At least Peterson is in a loving and committed marriage. And he promotes marriage to young men while modeling a positive example.
He might not be that bad. Young men need male mentors who have social skills and who can succeed at relationships.